Contact Us

If you've got a question about any aspect of caring for your pet, our PetCare Team is here to help. Should you wish to speak to us directly, we can be reached on the below:

NZ (+64) 0800 738 3663 (Enter Extension 200)

Monday - Friday 9am-3pm


RPF Pet Care

Cyber Safety Update

Every now and then, we receive reports of cybercriminals impersonating Real Pet Food Co in an attempt to deceive our customers and partners. One of the ways they may use to deceive people is sending fraudulent emails that contain suspicious hyperlinks or request sensitive information. The Real Pet Food Co will never ask you to enter passwords or credentials via email. We will not notify you of changed bank details via email (our bank details have NOT changed). Always verify bank account details directly with us before making any transfers. If you receive a suspicious email or have any concerns, please contact us using the phone numbers listed on our official website. Do not use any contact information provided in the suspicious email itself. For more information on how to protect yourself against cyber threats, you can visit the NZ National Cyber Security Centre website at Kia tupato, kia mataara, RPFCo Group.